Jn 8: 32; you shall know the truth and truth shall make you free. Just in a moment right now you shall be free. The truth you are contacting now will liberate you. It will make you a celebrity. By it you shall be lifted. The practical application of this truth in your life will add color to you. It shall beautify you, for you are fearfully and wonderfully made. This truth will enrich your life with honor and wonders. You are made for distinction run with it.
Who is this Jesus? Lu 1:26-31 declares that He is the rightful son of the living God, the only begotten son of the living God, the Son of the living God by birth. He is born of the Spirit and the will of God. He is the heir of God, the heir of God according to the promise, the heir of the promise. Is name is JESUS: the savior, the salvation of the world.
When Jesus the Authorized Son of the living God was born, his destiny was clear. He was declared the savior and he shall be great. Jesus lived on to be great. He saved the world and grew great, his greatness is still news today and it is still producing effect. He is the salvation of the world. As he fulfilled this destiny his greatness was displayed. It was a covenant tie; it wasn’t by struggle but by covenant fulfillment.
According to Gen 12:1-3 the covenant in Abraham declares; his name shall be great. In Gen 24:35 Abraham was great. Gen26: 12-14 Isaac was very great. Gal3: 16 Jesus the real seed of Abraham also took on greatness. You too are destined for greatness because you are joint heirs with Christ. Gal 3:29 says “And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise” You shall be great. You are God’s son according to Jn 1:12” But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” You are God’s authorized Son. You are God’s rightful Son because you are born again. You shall fulfill your destiny in Jesus name.
Jesus is the salvation, the deliverance, the sound health, the prosperity, the abundance, the success and the victory. Your relationship with Jesus as made you a commander in these areas. Wake up, rise up, and start shinning. Darkness must flee. Sickness shall flee. Poverty shall flee. Lack shall flee. Failure shall flee. You shall be victorious in Jesus name.
Secondly he was declared The Son Of The Highest. The anointed son of the living God according to Mt16: 13-19. The word CHRIST means: the anointed son of the living God. So Jesus is not just the authorized Son of God, but also the ANOINTED SON OF LIVING GOD. This is the second level of sonship.
The anointing makes a lot of difference in the life of an individual. The revelation of the anointed sonship is an unshakeable foundation. It prevails against the forces of darkness. When you discover yourself in the anointed, It makes you lord of the forces of darkness, it makes you a wonder, for your destiny is to be a sign and wonder. It will also deliver the keys of the kingdom of heaven into your hands i.e. the authorities of the kingdom. Heavens begins to hear you and respond. The earth gets subdued under you and hell begins to crumble at your roar. Whatsoever you bound on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever you loose on earth shall be loose in heaven. Through the baptism of the Holy Ghost you become the anointed son of the living God. Take your place. You are not just the son of man, but the Authorized Son of God who is anointed. If you live as the son of man you will be among the crowd. Rise up to your rightful place in the anointed sonship and you will stand out like Jesus stood out. Your generation is waiting for your manifestation. 1Cor.16: 13 says “…quit ye like men, be strong.”
Thirdly He is The Reigning Son of God according to Rom 1: 1-4 he reigned and he’s still reigning. He was declared by the resurrection and was set on the throne. You too will reign in Jesus name. He was set above all principality and power, and might, and dominion and every name that is named not only in this world, but also in that which is to come. Eph.1: 19-22 “…And hath put all things under his feet…”
Note this, Grab this, Know this. This is good news. Eph. 2: 5, 6 says “…hath quickened us together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” From today enter your throne in Jesus name. You cannot declare yourself. You cannot enthrone yourself. You cannot start reigning until you are declared. It takes higher power, authority for you to be declared and set to reign. God declared Jesus and set him to reign eternally. We are equally declared and set to reign in and through Christ.
My responsibility at this point as Gods servant is to activate your reign on earth as I declare on you your reign. You shall reign in Jesus name. We are raised together with him and set together with him. I release you for the throne in Jesus name. You shall reign in this life in Jesus name. That is why you are reading this at this moment. I am sent to declare you. Receive it in Jesus name. I declare your sonship of God on this planet in Jesus name. You are God’s authorized son, Gods anointed son and God’s reigning son. That is if you are born again. You shall reign in life in Jesus name.
If you are not born again and you really desire and ready to be born again that you might reign. All you simply need to do is to pray this prayer: Father God in heaven I come to you in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ. I genuinely repent of sin as a sinner. Cleanse me with the blood of Jesus Christ. Remit my sins and forgive me.
I believe that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord. According to your word, I believe I am now righteous, I believe I am now saved. In Jesus name, Amen! Devil, I am delivered from you, and your powers of darkness. I am now translated into the kingdom of light in Christ Jesus. Thank you Father for saving me in Jesus name, AMEN!
Remain at the top
Rev. Ham Ola.
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